2012年10月30日 星期二

Summary and Critique Studying teacher cognition in second language grammar teaching S. Borg (1999)


Borg, S., (1999, September ). Studying teacher cognition in second language grammar teaching, Elsevier Science Ltd, 27, 19-31.


        For many years, the issue of teaching grammar has been researched; however, none of those works have precisely discussed the cognition under teachers' instructions.  Therefore, in the beginning of this article, several discussions about teachers' cognition toward grammar teaching are overviewed, which aims at revealing the inadequate research in the past two decades, which truly discovers that most of researchers put many attentions on the acquisition of students' grammatical knowledge, instructional contexts of comparing different strategies of students, and description on natural grammar teaching environment, and which all of those turn to be inconclusive.  Then, by introducing a new perspective of research of both descriptive and interpretive in scope on grammar teaching, the author, after interviewing his co-workers, clearly shows that grammar teaching involves in diverse-faceted decision making processes.  In other words, grammar teaching is often seen as the compromises of confliction based on teachers' cognitions, including language usages, learning instructions, learning backgrounds, learners' levels, and  the teacher, himself or herself.  Besides, three especially influential factors are also aroused, which are teachers' language education, teachers' schooling education, and teachers' classroom experience, illustrating that the underlying of cognition of formal instruction are gathered by crucial educational and professional experiences in teachers' daily lives.  In short, research in this writing are findings of evaluation of teacher cognition and practices in formal instruction, showing the importance for teachers to reflect processes they conduct in teaching in order to improve their teaching gradually.  In the end, even though the lack of doubtless knowledge of effective grammar teaching and learning makes the evaluation of cognition obscured, this insight research posts a future possibilities of further studies.

My Critique

        After reading this research, there are several merits, which could be judged form its introduction, methodology, and discussion, and which is worth of learning.  First of all, the author gives a clear explanation of why he wants to conduct this research in the introduction paragraph.  By adding guided questions in the beginning, readers would be able to know what the research is going to discuss in the following section.  In addition to his well-composing of his questionable points or parts, presenting an obvious outlook, and making readers better understand what the author is trying to explore through this research.

        Second, although the author doesn't exactly arrange the methodology into a single section for enhancing the reading quality, it is still not difficult to figure out that the whole research lies on observation literatures and interviewing his co-workers, which the author believes composing this way would be better than showing data in one aspects only.  Reviewing amount of literatures makes this study be successful because this not only examines the overall history of research of grammar teaching but also posts debatable perspectives toward those findings as well.  Besides, because of lacking complete discussions of teachers' cognition in teaching grammar, it is good to see that the author gather them together in this research to easily compare and contrast.  Even more, the completeness of exploring literatures extends a evolution of grammar teaching research though none of them has a closer analysis.  And, beside observation from literatures, the author also provides interviewing information of his colleagues to support that study on teacher cognition in formal instruction had better be both descriptive and interpretive, which breaks the obstacles of focusing on one aspect in the past, and stay coherence to what the author has said in its introduction, aiming to further discover the core cognition of teachers' teaching processes.

        Third, discussions that appear in each section carry on ideas of previous issues and open for the following discussion as well.  Besides, discussions are not set in the end of the research, which readers could make connections between literatures and discussions easily rather than turning pages to find out again.  The insight argument of literatures is no longer a linear way of presenting ideas but from a various aspect that matches the idea what the author has said that cognition of teaching grammar is not a monolithic phenomenon. 
        In conclusion, this research has provided many different aspects in the field of teaching grammar research.  Basically, it is a well-organized writing or project.  And, it is really impressive that the author indeed gather all the related study together and rearrange them into a inclusive research.  Yet, the insufficient of unquestionable knowledge for deciding teachers' cognition from right to wrong reveals a sense of pity.  At last, the suggestions of topics of advanced research given by the author encourages other-alike researchers to carry out, which is quite good to end this research in an aspect of hoping, expecting, or believing in the future progresses.

