2013年8月9日 星期五

Reflections of Doing RT Project in Chang-Te Junior High School

         After doing Reader Theater (RT) project for a month in Chang-Te Junior High School, I find that it is indeed a very good experience to meet different students in different areas.  Also, it is good to know some students were trying hard to learn while I was lecturing.  However, through this RT project, it helps me to think and rethink some questions that probably could be suggestions and further improvements for both the RT project and me.  In the following paragraph, based on different aspects of the observation of the whole RT project, questions are illustrated from the lightest to the most horrible one.

        First of all, considering the RT script, a question of whether they could do it within a month arose.  Apparently, most of them couldn’t do it.  Some students are not familiar with English alphabets, so it would be hard for them to speak out.   Then, I feel probably “i+10” was too much for them.  For the next time, “i+5” would be a good try.  Of course, the next related problem is that the RT’s schedule is too tight.  Many students probably need more time to practice and digest.

        Second of all, considering their English proficiency, what they have learned before they enter this Junior High school should be noticed.  Originally, I thought English teaching or learning has been carried out with efforts in their elementary years, but the truth is that they tend to have problems in recognizing English alphabets.  For example, I didn’t write whatever I said on the broad because I didn’t want them to overly rely on my writing, and they might not get concentrated on my lecturing for they only need to write down whatever I write.  Then, I repeated those words by spelling them three times, but some students started to ask how to write some alphabets.  For sure, I will probably need the microphone so as to let them listen precisely.  Then, some students have fallen into traps (in a more modern way, called cram schools) for at least one year.  Therefore, it is amazing to know that some of them have learned present perfect.  However, when I tried to know what they have in their heads by asking more questions, it is a pity that they got confused with all tenses and aspects.  Without doubts, a discrepancy exists between students, but they all need helps.  Probably, there is a need to know what happened to their English learning before.

        Third, concerning of the teaching project, the importance might need to be explained explicitly.  Most of students don’t realize that we, teachers, tried to teach them something, including designing good learning materials.  In students’ mind, they know RT project is not going to be a part of grades in the new semester, and they know there’s nothing if they failed to perform.  They simply want to play as if they did not graduate yet.  Therefore, probably making the whole project as a competition of the whole 7th grade might be workable somehow.    For sure, in the summer tutoring, students are here for trying to get themselves ready as junior-high students before the new semester, but it still would be good for teachers to help them or get involved.  For example, the principle, the dean or their homeroom teachers could simply pass by to see their students or whether I should do something to adjust my teaching.  This way, students would probably realize that we do care the RT project and their learning as well.

        Forth, concerning of their learning attitude, it is very important to teach them disciplines, respects and manners.  Based on my observation, students do not really know why they are here and why they are learning this.  Some students keep their devout beliefs in their cram schools.  Furthermore, it is surprised to know that although girls are biologically and cognitively more mature than boys, some of them are arrogant and reluctant to follow up the class.  For example, while other groups were performing on the stage, one of the girls patted the head of the boy who sat in front of her, and took away his textbook, throwing it at his face.  Every time I asked her to behave herself, or I simply stared at her, she turned her face to the other side, and then went on playing when I was looking the performing group.  Besides, some girls think that they are good because of going to cram school.  Then, they turned out to believe that the purpose of staying at school is to make better use of their own times.  For instance, there is a very classic girl who took out a short Chinese horror novel (which can be bought easily at 7-11) while the first group was performing.  As I took away her novel, she took it back without asking for permission in the break.  Even worse, when she performed on the stage, she did lip-reading for the total twenty minutes.  Fortunately, they are not much, but they are annoyed.  Typically, they really don’t understand the differences between elementary school and junior high school.  Therefore, no matter what kinds of project or activities are doing, students’ attitudes should be placed in the first priority.  If necessary, I don’t mind that the dean comes into the class and does something.

        Overall the questions above, it is easy to find that they are actually interconnected.  But now, a question appears: Do they really need to be that serious in their learning?  Based on many well-known educators and publishers, it would be more suitable to teach students by understanding them, lowering their anxieties, and promoting their motivations.  However, are they that mature to realize that we are trying to help them learn English speaking, or do they simply think it is not an important class because the teacher is doing something funny?  Then, it could turn out that we are all talking but never on the same page.  Besides, it is also interesting to think the following up questions: when teachers are trying to communicate with them, are they that mature to understand teachers are trying to help them, or teachers don’t dare to be harsh at them?  Are they that mature to evaluate teachers’ teaching and teaching materials, or to think they are the boss that should be pleased?  In here, the point is not about what they are going to write, but it doesn’t help to build their characters.  For sure, there are indeed some students learning very hard.  However, is teaching or learning to comprise with students who don’t want to learn?  That is the reason why I try to push them to walk forward rather than get afraid of being ticketed.  Still, there were times I felt helpless and powerless.  In short, it is a very good experience to meet different kinds of students in different areas.